17 Misbranded Products Discovered in Circulation in 2017: Supplement to FDA Citizen Petition to Stop Labeling Violations Under the Gluten-Free Labeling Rule
On Sunday January 14, Kaki and I submitted a supplement to our FDA citizen petition requesting that the FDA establish a specific protocol for increased surveillance, investigation and enforcement of potential facial misbranding violations under the gluten-free labeling rule.
The supplement has not yet posted to the docket so we are posting it here for your information. Please take the time to read this supplement paying particular attention to page 3 and the listing of 17 misbranded products discovered in circulation in 2017. The petition supplement is available at this link GFWDPetitionSupplementFinal
If you have not yet commented on the petition, please take the time to do so. Trust me, this is exceedingly important to do. FDA needs to hear from YOU. The comment period closes on February 19th.
You can read about the petition at https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/help-stop-labeling-violations-under-the-gluten-free-rule/
You can comment on the petition at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FDA-2017-P-5118
Comments (2)
I’m trying to sign but everything I open, is info and not the place to add my signature!
Hi Catharine, click on this link and then click on the blue “comment now” box https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FDA-2017-P-5118