Search Results - banana baby

Banana Baby Follow-Up: Making Connections

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog is writing a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet–currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #6… This is not the article that was supposed to post today. But I have been very privileged to help connect two “banana babies” (for information on the banana diet see This makes me incredibly happy. There are others of you out...

Banana Baby: A former patient of Dr. Sidney Haas tells her story

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog is writing a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet--currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #2... Long before gluten was identified as the culprit in celiac disease, a doctor by the name of Sidney Haas in New York City was treating pediatric patients using what came to be known as the “banana diet.” A former patient of Dr. Haas...

Early Dietary Treatment for Celiac Disease: The Banana Diet

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog will be posting a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet--currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #1... The Early History of the Diet for Celiac Disease (excerpted from The Gluten-Free Nutrition Guide by Tricia Thompson, McGraw-Hill, 2008) "The gluten-free diet has not always been the treatment of choice for celiac disease. Before the 1950s and the identification of wheat gluten...

Additional Reading for Celiac Disease History Buffs

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog is writing a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet--currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #5... Posts one through four have been about the early history of the dietary treatment for celiac disease. Some of you may be interested in learning more history while others of you would like to move on already! Before moving on to the next...