Open letter to Trader Joe’s about their “gluten-free” rolled oats on behalf of the Gluten Free Watchdog community
Dear Trader Joe’s, In September of 2024, Gluten Free Watchdog commissioned testing on 6 bags of Trader Joe’s gluten-free rolled oats. Results ranged from < 5 parts per million to 120 parts per million of gluten. Full results are available at https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/product/trader-joes-gluten-free-rolled-oats-2024/1372. These results were shared with you but you have chosen to not respond. We also tested a bag of Trader Joe’s gluten-free rolled oats and Trader Joe’s organic gluten-free rolled oats with ancient grains and seeds that were part of...
Gluten-free oats remain complicated as 2023 comes to a close: New article from Gluten Free Watchdog
Our article, Gluten cross contact in oats: Retrospective database analysis 2011 to 2023 was recently published in Frontiers Nutrition in the special research topic, Recent Breakthrough in Gluten Contamination, Volume II. Are you interested in a brief overview? Abstract It is long-established that oats are at substantial risk for cross contact with gluten containing grain. Specially processed gluten-free oats, whether purity protocol or mechanically/optically sorted, made it possible for this grain to be included in a gluten-free diet in the U.S. Gluten Free Watchdog...
More on Oats from Gluten Free Watchdog: Retrospective database analysis 2011- 2023
Tricia Thompson, MS, RD, Amy Keller, MS, RDN, LD Summary Gluten Free Watchdog has been testing food for gluten through the ISO/IEC 17025 accredited lab, Bia Diagnostics since 2011. For this retrospective GFWD database analysis, all labeled gluten-free products containing the word “oat” in the ingredients list were assessed for gluten levels. 213 products (i.e., individual packages) contained the word oat. Of these, 24 (11%) tested with quantifiable gluten greater than or equal to 5 parts per million. Only products with no...
Brief history of oats & Gluten Free Watchdog’s evolving opinion
Last week Gluten Free Watchdog issued an updated statement on oats. As a reminder it reads: “In early January of 2022, Gluten Free Watchdog issued a statement warning the community about supply chain issues with oats. At Gluten Free Watchdog we have seen an increase in oats testing with quantifiable gluten either at/above 20 ppm OR above the level of gluten allowed by their certifying organization. At this time (April, 2023), Gluten Free Watchdog cannot recommend any brand of gluten-free oats....
Gluten Free Watchdog cannot recommend any brand of gluten-free oats
In early January of 2022, Gluten Free Watchdog issued a statement warning the community about supply chain issues with oats. At Gluten Free Watchdog we have seen an increase in oats testing with quantifiable gluten either at/above 20 ppm OR above the level of gluten allowed by their certifying organization. At this time (April, 2023), Gluten Free Watchdog cannot recommend any brand of gluten-free oats. This includes products that are certified gluten-free or made using purity protocol oats. We will...
Gluten Free Watchdog special 2023 statement on the use of oats in the gluten-free diet
In the latter half of 2022, four labeled gluten-free oat products from three manufacturers commissioned for testing by Gluten Free Watchdog had gluten test results above 20 parts per million. Three of the four products were certified gluten-free at the time of testing. These results are unprecedented for GFWD. At Gluten Free Watchdog, we are stopping short of recommending against the use of oats. However, you may want to familiarize yourself with the suppliers of purity protocol oats and confirm with...
Gluten Free Watchdog recommends against the use of Trader Joe’s gluten-free oats
Recommendation Update October 31, 2024: Until further notice, Gluten Free Watchdog recommends that those with celiac disease not eat Trader Joe’s gluten-free products that contain as ingredients rolled oats or organic rolled oats. Update October 31, 2024: Gluten Free Watchdog recently commissioned testing on opened bags of Trader Joe’s gluten-free rolled oats and Trader Joe’s gluten-free organic rolled oats with ancient grains and seeds that a subscriber believed may have been causing digestive distress. Results of the testing on the gluten-free...
Special Statement on Purity Protocol Gluten-Free Oats from Gluten Free Watchdog
Based on testing commissioned by Gluten Free Watchdog, we do not recommend the use GF Harvest brand oats as a source of purity protocol oats. This product line will not be included in the updated purity protocol listing on Gluten Free Watchdog. Also based on testing commissioned by Gluten Free Watchdog, we do not recommend the use of Trader Joe’s gluten-free rolled oats. We have been unable to confirm the source of oats used by Trader Joe’s in this product. Based...