A Smiling Child with Celiac Disease and Her Delightful Book Warms the Heart
Katie Scarlett Pryor is a young lady with celiac disease who has written a series of books—The Princess Katie Books. I purchased her latest book entitled, Princess Katie and the Sweet Shop and loved it. The story is about a young girl who is sad because she can no longer eat her favorite bakeshop sweets after being told she has celiac disease. Her sadness doesn’t last long because she decides to learn how to make gluten-free sweets and open her own bakeshop. The story is delightful. The illustrations are delightful. The recipes are delightful. But most of all, the photos of Katie’s smiling face with her culinary creations are delightful. They make me smile.
Katie, with permission from her mom, agreed to answer a few questions for posting on Gluten Free Watchdog.
What is your favorite sweet to bake for your friends at school?
I love making chocolate cupcakes with raspberry cream cheese icing the most for my friends. Everyone loves them, even people who say that they don’t normally like icing.
If you could talk with boys and girls who were diagnosed with celiac disease over the summer, what tips would you give them about eating gluten-free at school?
I like to pack lunch. It is easier because most of the food in our school cafeteria has gluten. You also have more time to eat if you pack lunch because you don’t have to wait in the lunch line.
What tips do you have for other kids with celiac disease when treats made with wheat flour are brought into school for birthday celebrations or holiday parties?
I recommend keeping some of your favorite gluten-free treats at school. Pick treats that last a long time. I bring fun-sized M&M packs and individually packaged bags of Annie’s gluten-free bunny cookies and keep them in my locker. You could keep them in your locker or give them to your teacher or the school nurse. Then, when someone brings in a treat that you can’t have, you can go get one of your special treats.
Thank you, Katie!
If you are interested in Katie’s book, you can find it on Amazon. Katie’s mom tells me that all royalties from the sale of her books are direct deposited into her savings account for college http://tinyurl.com/ycwbjv5y
Comments (2)
What a wonderful post! You go Katie. I have a friend who is seven years old and Dx with type I diabetes. Lydia is being tested for celiac disease. I am going to buy all of Katie’s books for her if she is Dx with celiac disease.
I am almost 73 years old and was Dx with celiac disease two years ago. I have taught myself to make delicious nutritious foods as Katie has proven, it is possible. I was sick for 43 years before I figured out that I had celiac disease. I presented my case to all my doctors and was Dx with celiac disease. Really tired of medical doctors rigidity to a complex disease.
But, the good news is I have had my miracle. I feel better than I have felt since I had the mumps at 28. Strictly gluten free is a challenge, but it is possible.
God bless you Katie!
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Joanna. It is so good to hear that you too are thriving with celiac disease.