Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2022

If you would like to make a donation to a worthy cause for Celiac Disease Awareness Month, here is a suggestion

Please consider making a donation to Mend Hunger or Feeding Gluten-Free. Mend Hunger and the National Celiac Association (NCA) have partnered to make gluten-free hunger relief available at no-cost to households impacted by disasters across the continental United States. This program provides "safe" disaster relief boxes to those with celiac disease. NCA also runs the nationwide program, Feeding Gluten-Free. At Gluten Free Watchdog we are so very grateful for the efforts of NCA! For information on Feeding Gluten-Free, see https://nationalceliac.org/feeding-gluten-free/ For information...

Lentils and Gluten Cross Contact

The article Lentils and Gluten Cross Contact by Tricia Thompson, Trisha Lyons, and Amy Keller was published on April 29, 2022 in Frontiers in Nutrition. There is some good news in this brief research report. If you are interested in watching a brief overview of our findings, please see our short powerpoint video with audio. https://youtu.be/gPOxQWXE3Mc If you would prefer to read a summary of the findings, the abstract is pasted below. Abstract Lentils are naturally gluten-free and are recommended for people...

Please comment on FDA draft guidance on adding allergens to FALCPA

Call to Action. Please comment on the FDA draft guidance: Evaluating the Public Health Importance of Food Allergens Other Than the Major Food Allergens Listed in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [FALCPA]: Guidance for FDA Staff and Stakeholders The draft guidance is available at https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/draft-guidance-fda-staff-and-stakeholders-evaluating-public-health-importance-food-allergens-other Comment at https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/FDA-2021-N-0553-0005 Purpose of the FDA Guidance (please read carefully): This FDA guidance is meant for (1) stakeholders who intend to submit a citizen petition asking FDA to establish regulatory requirements based on the public...

Gluten Free Watchdog Action List for Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2022

During the month of May, please join Gluten Free Watchdog in… Commenting on the FDA draft guidance on evaluating allergens to add to FALCPA Donating to a great cause, such as Feeding Gluten-Free Accessing (for free) and sharing our recently published article, Lentils and Gluten Cross Contact Mailing a postcard advocating for improved enforcement of the gluten-free labeling rule More information to come soon.