Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Banana Baby: A former patient of Dr. Sidney Haas tells her story

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog is writing a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet--currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #2... Long before gluten was identified as the culprit in celiac disease, a doctor by the name of Sidney Haas in New York City was treating pediatric patients using what came to be known as the “banana diet.” A former patient of Dr. Haas...

Early Dietary Treatment for Celiac Disease: The Banana Diet

In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog will be posting a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet--currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.  Post #1... The Early History of the Diet for Celiac Disease (excerpted from The Gluten-Free Nutrition Guide by Tricia Thompson, McGraw-Hill, 2008) "The gluten-free diet has not always been the treatment of choice for celiac disease. Before the 1950s and the identification of wheat gluten...