Call to Action to Stop Facial Misbranding of Gluten-Free Foods: Contact HHS Secretary Alex Azar
As we usher in 2020, facial misbranding of gluten-free foods continues to be a problem. Just this weekend, Gluten Free Watchdog filed three formal reports with FDA via CAERS for products labeled gluten-free but listing germinated barley seed powder, durum semolina flour, or enriched wheat flour in the ingredients. While we have been advised by FDA that progress is being made, there continues to be lax enforcement of the gluten-free labeling rule and manufacturers continue to misuse the gluten-free labeling claim. The...
When a regulatory agency (USDA) actually enforces the gluten-free labeling rule and recalls a product containing wheat-based soy sauce
On August 30, 2019, the United States Department of Agriculture announced the recall of Heatherfield Foods Inc. pork sausage products due to misbranding. The sausage is labeled gluten-free yet contains wheat. https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/recalls-and-public-health-alerts/recall-case-archive/archive/2019/recall-088-2019-release?permalink=35A47FAFA869093A250D7843C3A55B6D5ADD2BFB5919576B6453B59930E6CE26 Why is this recall particularly significant? It took place because of a consumer complaint received by USDA.Based on consumer photographs sent to Gluten Free Watchdog, the source of wheat in the sausage is soy sauce.USDA doesn't have an agency defined gluten-free labeling rule. Instead they require manufacturers under their labeling jurisdiction to adhere to the gluten-free labeling rule established...
FOIA Request from Gluten Free Watchdog Pertaining to Product Complaints Submitted to CAERS
On June 11, 2019, Tricia Thompson, MS, RD, Founder of Gluten Free Watchdog and Kaki Schmidt, Esq. submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Health and Human Services FOI/Privacy Acts Division concerning six product (food) complaints filed with CAERS following the instructions of FDA staff. Complaint numbers were not provided by CAERS for any of these complaints. Nor were any of the complaints acknowledged by CAERS. This FOIA requests ALL CAERS/FDA records pertaining to these product...
Letter to FDA Regarding Restaurant Use of the Term Gluten-Free on Menus
Gluten Free Watchdog's second call to action for Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2019 was a request for the community to submit photos of restaurant menus that designate items as gluten-free yet provide a disclaimer about the lack of suitability for someone with celiac disease. The response was overwhelming. Thank you! A handful of the photos are included in the attached letter to FDA regarding restaurants and their use of the term "gluten-free". Please read the letter and let me know...
Call to Action: Gluten in Medicine Disclosure Act of 2019
Gluten in Medicine Disclosure Act of 2019. Representatives Ryan and Cole introduced this bill on April 3, 2019. The bill currently has 8 co-sponsors. The text of the bill is available at https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2074/text?fbclid=IwAR3Xr7YABCf4sFERNHO00yOkq7HCV2h1DHTnVXWL1OzKlc6znHEb9nY9n9s. Please support this bill by contacting your representative. A state-by-state directory is available at https://www.house.gov/representatives. You can also find your representative by zip code at https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative?fbclid=IwAR0XjoajmDCz7loMHtt2-Tx8K6-Rvf6QifiyVklSPejTw1J7A7ene0gwbUA. I was contacted by Representative Ryan's office and asked for my opinion regarding wording of the bill. The bill currently reads in part that a drug must...
Video: Facial Misbranding of Gluten-Free Food
https://youtu.be/s0bYoUcHp94 At the end of October, I gave a presentation on the facial misbranding of gluten-free foods at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo. At the beginning of November, I gave a mini version of this presentation at the celiac disease conference hosted by the National Celiac Association. In this video I talk through printouts of the slides presented at the latter conference. The video runs about 15 minutes. Please let me know if you...
A Bit of Good News from the FDA on Gluten-Free Labeling Issues
We've received a bit of good news from the FDA but before you get too excited continue reading to the end of the post... Gluten Free Watchdog periodically sends emails to FDA updating them on possible facial misbranding* related to the gluten-free labeling rule. An email sent on August 14, 2018 stated in part: "I dealt with two product issues yesterday. A sauce labeled gluten-free yet containing beer with barley and malt listed as sub-ingredients AND a cookie labeled gluten-free containing spelt…...
Is the FDA enforcing the gluten-free labeling rule?
Question: How many FDA food recalls have there been since January 1, 2016 and the reason/problem cited by the FDA is gluten? Answer: Two A search under “gluten” on FDA's “Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts” page resulted in the following: May 3, 2018: Van's Waffles: Product may contain gluten and undeclared milk https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm606033.htm. This product is labeled gluten-free September 1, 2016: Koi Palace Mooncakes: https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm518878.htm. It is unclear whether this product was labeled gluten-free at the time of the recall. How many...