Gluten Contamination of Spices

Testing Spices for Gluten using the Nima Sensor Consumer LFD and the R5 ELISA

November 20, 2017 To view the report on spices, click the link below. Please also click on the photos so that you are able to see them in full. It is very important to read the entire article, including the asterisks at the end of the table. Please let me know if you have any questions. NimaTestingSpices4

Gluten Free Watchdog Special Report: Gluten Contamination of Spices

Gluten Free Watchdog tested brands of domestically processed spices that appear to be the most widely used by the gluten-free community based on inquiries made to subscribers of Gluten Free Watchdog. Gluten Free Watchdog focused primarily on testing the spices that tested at or above 20 ppm in the Canadian survey. These spices (all ground) are clove, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mace, sage, thyme, and white pepper. Gluten Free Watchdog also tested leaf basil (dried), garlic powder, curry powder, and Italian seasoning...