Gluten-Free Labeling

Yeast extract confusion redux

In 2019, we wrote about a consumer complaint we received for a labeled gluten-free soup. The product includes the ingredient “flavors (including yeast extract).” Long story short, the consumer who contacted us was told by customer service representatives that brewer’s yeast is the source of the yeast extract. However, she did not receive a definitive answer regarding whether the brewer’s yeast is spent brewer’s yeast. Fast forward to 2024. Gluten Free Watchdog received a consumer inquiry about the autolyzed yeast extract...

Gluten Testing of Food Containing Barley Amylase: Poster Presented at AOMSC 2023

To download the poster presented at the Asia-Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference, please see: AOMSC 2023 Poster Abstract Investigation of foods containing beta-amylase for gluten content Mitchell G. Nye-Wood (a), Tricia Thompson (b), Margaret Clegg (b), Michelle L. Colgrave (*a) School of Science, and Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, Australia (a) Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC, Manchester, MA (b) Gluten proteins are unique food allergens that are a common dietary component for many people...

Gluten-Free Claim Removed from KA-ME Hong Kong Express Rice Noodles

In May 2022, Gluten Free Watchdog (GFWD) reported KA-ME Hong Kong Express Rice Noodles to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) via the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS). At the time, product packaging included a gluten-free claim yet barley amylase was declared in the ingredients list. In February 2023, GFWD submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with FDA to find out what action was taken on our complaint. One of the...

Soy Sauce: More insightful news from FDA based on Gluten Free Watchdog FOIA requests

We recently filed 3 Freedom of Information Act requests with FDA for products containing hydrolyzed/fermented protein. All products had been reported to FDA for facial misbranding by Gluten Free Watchdog. What follows is a summary of the information received from FDA to date. A huge thank you to Adam, one of GFWD’s pro-bono attorneys for filing these requests. FOIAs were submitted for the following products: Three Crabs Fish Sauce. Ingredients list reads, “hydrolyzed vegetable protein.” This ingredient declaration hasn’t been allowed since...

Update on Pamela’s Products Allergen Advisory Statement

On August 10, 2022, Gluten Free Watchdog reached out to Pamela's Products: The addition of wheat to your allergen advisory statement on product packaging for gluten-free foods is causing a lot of concern in the celiac disease community. I understand from your FAQs that you still use dedicated lines for many of your gluten-free products. Can you please let me know why products produced on dedicated lines contain a shared equipment warning vs a shared facility warning. Thank you. Pamela's Products responded...

FDA is acting on complaints filed by Gluten Free Watchdog

This spring we filed 6 Freedom of Information Act requests with FDA representing 11 products containing malt-based ingredients.* All products had been reported to FDA for facial misbranding by Gluten Free Watchdog. What follows is a summary of the information included in the materials obtained from FDA. A huge thank you to Adam, one of GFWD’s pro-bono attorneys for filing these requests. *We also filed FOIA requests for three additional products containing wheat. As of July 26, 2022, we have not...

Do folks with celiac disease really have to worry about enzymes and growth media?

Short answer: We don’t know. This is due to the limitations of the assays currently used to detect and measure fermented or hydrolyzed gluten. Some facts about enzymes: 1. According to the Enzyme Technical Association, “In most cases, enzymes used in food are used as processing aids where they aid in the manufacturing of food or food ingredients but do not have a function in the final food product.” 2. Also according to the ETA, “nearly all commercially prepared foods contain at least...

Statement from Gluten Free Watchdog on Nabisco Gluten-Free Oreo Cookies

***Note: What follows is the opinion of Gluten Free Watchdog. Whether or not you choose to eat gluten-free Oreo cookies is your decision. You do not owe anyone an explanation. Please make decisions based on all available information.*** Nabisco Gluten-Free Oreo Cookies: Gluten Free Watchdog is on the fence about this cookie. We have tested numerous packages and test results are very encouraging. We love that the actual cookie includes a gluten-free imprint. This is brilliant. This product is also certified...