Nima Sensor

Using Nima to test mustard for gluten contamination

The video is embedded below. First a recap of Nima testing to date … Sampling methodology for Nima: Gluten Free Watchdog has been assessing Nima's sampling methodology. Users are advised to place a small sample of food inside a disposable capsule. A small sample is defined as “pea sized.” In the opinion of Gluten Free Watchdog, this sampling method is not well suited for testing packaged foods that may have heterogeneous (unevenly distributed) gluten contamination or restaurant meals with spotty cross contact...

Mystery Grain in Edison Grainery Lentils Tests “Low Gluten” Using Nima

This post is an update to the blog posted on December 13th entitled “General Product Warning: Check Your Lentils (including certified gluten-free lentils) for Foreign Grain” available at Long story short: A consumer found a single errant grain in each of two bags of Edison Grainery certified gluten-free lentils. Photos of the grain were sent to Edison Grainery. The consumer was advised that the grain was likely wild oat, oat, or rice. Gluten Free Watchdog sent one of the photos...

Testing Oat Products Using the Nima

Please watch the video Using Nima to test heterogeneous samples such as oats before watching this video. It is available at In the current video I test a box of "gluten-free" Cheerios from the 2015 recall and a carton of regular Quaker oats using Nima. Both of these products are highly likely to be contaminated with gluten and are not recommended for persons with gluten-related disorders regardless of test results using the Nima. My intention in testing these two products...

Nima, the Portable Food Testing Device

Published 8/5/2016 Gluten Free Watchdog receives at least one question each week about Nima asking our opinion on the testing device. Included below is the email sent to subscribers to GFWD in June. You also may be interested in listening to a GFWD video about some of the complexities associated with testing food for gluten. It is available HERE. Nima: Many of you continue to have questions about Nima, the portable food testing device in development by 6 Sensor Labs. GFWD has...