Correcting the Record: Gluten Free Watchdog’s Testing of Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Almost Everything Bagels
Background For those of you who have not been following the Moms Across America testing of gluten-free labeled products, and in particular Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Almost Everything Bagels, here are links to the test results which have been moved to the public side of the website, along with a more concise summary: Test results: https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/product/trader-joes-gf-almost-everything-bagels-2024/1348 Summary: https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/test-result-from-moms-across-america-on-trader-joes-gluten-free-almost-everything-bagels-possibly-false-positive/ Current situation There has recently been a mischaracterization of Gluten Free Watchdog posted by another website covering this testing issue. The following statement was posted on celiac.com and...
Test result from Moms Across America for Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Almost Everything Bagels Possible False Positive
Gluten Free Watchdog tested Trader Joe’s Almost Everything Bagels due to consumer concerns over the results of testing commissioned by the group Moms Across America. This is a complex test report summary. Please bear with us as we try to explain the discrepancy between the Moms Across America test results and Gluten Free Watchdog test results. Bottom line: The test result from Moms Across America for Trader Joe's Gluten-Free Almost Everything Bagels may be a false positive, especially if the lab did...
Testing dairy foods for gluten using a Nima sensor? Familiarize yourself with the potential issues
For immediate release August 25, 2023: Consumer-Led Investigation into Potential Issues That Arise When Testing Dairy Matrixes for Gluten with the NIMA Sensor published in the Journal of AOAC International by Tricia Thompson, Adrian Rogers, and Johnna Perry. To read the abstract and for a link to the full free text of this article (click on the pdf icon) please see https://academic.oup.com/jaoac/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jaoacint/qsad092/7238205?login=false. Highlights Slight variations in weight and volume of test materials can result in false positive results when testing dairy matrixes (such as...
Thank You to Thomas Grace & the Bia Diagnostics Team from Gluten Free Watchdog
Gluten Free Watchdog was born a little over 12 years ago. This endeavor came to fruition because of the encouragement of Thomas Grace, CEO at Bia Diagnostics. We had recently completed a study on gluten cross contact in naturally gluten-free grains. While I had access to labs for testing, I wanted to make state-of-the-art gluten testing accessible and understandable to interested consumers with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders. Thom's positive reaction when I told him what I hoped to...
Brief public summary of Gluten Free Watchdog’s Special Report on Cream Cheese & Nima Sensor Test Results
Please also see the full published article: Tricia Thompson, Adrian Rogers, Johnna Perry. Consumer-Led Investigation into Potential Issues That Arise When Testing Dairy Matrixes for Gluten With the NIMA Sensor. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 2023; qsad092 https://doi.org/10.1093/jaoacint/qsad092 .......... Authors of the special report: Tricia Thompson, MS, RD, Founder, Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC; Adrian Rogers, Development Manager, BioCheck, UK; Johnna Perry, Gluten Free Watchdog Consumer Subscriber Gluten Free Watchdog recently tested weighed samples of cream cheese, cream cheese spread, yogurt, and soft cheese for gluten using a Nima...
The Need for a Standardized Sample Portion When Testing Food for Gluten Using an LFD: A Case Study
Gluten Free Watchdog along with Adrian Rogers, Bio-Check (UK), and Luke Emerson-Mason (Bia Diagnostics) recently presented an abstract and poster at the AOAC International annual meeting. The abstract and poster are based on testing of Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Strawberry. View full size poster HERE. Abstract: Consumers with celiac disease have access to lateral flow devices (LFDs) to test food for gluten. Erroneous results may occur due to matrix effects and sampling that can cause confusion among consumers and lead to...
Liquid IV: Statement from Gluten Free Watchdog
Gluten Free Watchdog received several complaints about this product from consumers after they tested Liquid IV using lateral flow devices, including EZ Gluten and Nima Sensor and received positive results for gluten. A consumer's retained sample and a new box of the same flavor of Liquid IV were tested at Bia Diagnostics, LLC (an accredited laboratory) using the fully validated sandwich R5 ELISA, the competitive R5 ELISA, and EZ Gluten test strips. When the product was tested using the sandwich and...
Products in the immediate queue for testing at Gluten Free Watchdog (July)
The products in the photo have been requested for testing by subscribers to Gluten Free Watchdog. Results will start posting in July. Requests are made for any number of reasons, including peace of mind regarding favorite foods. Results are available to subscribers.