Testing for Gluten Contamination

Five Percent of Tested Foods Making Gluten-Free Claims are not Gluten-Free Study Finds

For Immediate Release Five Percent of Tested Foods Making Gluten-Free Claims are not Gluten-Free Study Finds Three years of testing data from Gluten Free Watchdog Published Thompson T, Simpson, S. A comparison of gluten levels in labeled gluten-free and certified gluten-free foods sold in the United States. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 1 October 2014; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2014.211 http://celiacdiseasecenter.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/2-2014-A-comparison-of-gluten-levels-in-labeled-gluten-free-and-certified-gluten-free-foods-sold-in-the-United-States.pdf _______________________________________________________ October 1, 2014 Under the Food and Drug Administration's gluten-free labeling rule, food labeled gluten-free must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. In a...

Update on the gluten-free status of yeast extract

Update July 29, 2014 : Based on testing done by Gluten Free Watchdog, I would like to reiterate that it is my recommendation that individuals with gluten-related disorders avoid products NOT labeled gluten-free containing the ingredients yeast extract or autolyzed yeast extract unless the source is confirmed. Please note that if you live in Canada, ALL gluten sources must be declared in the ingredients list. In addition Coeliac UK recently modified their position on yeast extract specifically as it pertains...

Gluten Contamination of Gluten-Free Foods Sold in the US

Thomas Grace and I recently published two years worth of testing data from Gluten Free Watchdog in the journal Practical Gastroenterology. The pdf is available here. Excerpt: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released the long awaited rule on the labeling of food as gluten-free. Labeled gluten-free food regulated by the FDA and sold in the United States must contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. The objective of this evaluation is to assess the actual gluten content of labeled gluten-free foods...

Standards for testing food for gluten: Issues that need addressing

We all know that food labeled gluten-free should be tested for gluten. Some of us are familiar with the tests that should be used to assess gluten content. But most of us don't know how tricky it actually is to test for gluten. This blog is meant to start a conversation by pointing out the lack of standards when it comes to gluten assessment. Background There are a lot of “shoulds” when it comes to testing food for gluten. Unfortunately just because...