Video Library Q&A

FNCE Presentation: Testing Food for Hydrolyzed Gluten & Why This is So Difficult

In October of 2016 I had the pleasure of presenting at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo. I presented alongside Carol D'Lima of the FDA. Carol's presentation was on the proposed rule for gluten-free labeling of fermented and hydrolyzed food. My presentation was on the difficulties associated with testing these foods for hydrolyzed gluten. Please watch the video after downloading the slides (available at testingfoodforhydrolyzedgluten).  

Gluten-Free Oats Video & Handout from FNCE DIGID Breakfast 2016

Dietitians in Gluten Intolerance Diseases held a breakfast on oats at FNCE this year. This event was sponsored by GF Harvest and the featured speaker was Seaton Smith. A miller of mechanically and optically sorted oats also was invited to speak at this breakfast but they declined. As a result, information on sorted oats was provided by me. Please print the pdf of the oat handout provided to dietitians at this event before listening to the video (otherwise the video...

Video: Testing Foods for Gluten Part 2

This is the second in a series of videos on testing food for gluten. Please watch the first video before viewing Please continue to ask questions about testing either in the comments section or via email. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are “off the top of my head.” A transcript is not available for this video. Update: A wonderful subscriber to GFWD who happens to do transcription professionally volunteered to transcribe this...

Video: Testing Foods for Gluten

At Gluten Free Watchdog we are frequently asked about how foods are tested for gluten. In this video I explain the protocol we follow and how we decide what assay and extraction solution to use. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are “off the top of my head.” A transcript is not available for this video. Update: A wonderful subscriber to GFWD who happens to do transcription professionally volunteered to...

Video: Can Foods Labeled Gluten-Free Include a May Contain Statement for Wheat?

Another question we are frequently asked at Gluten Free Watchdog is whether foods labeled gluten-free can include a "may contain wheat" statement on product packaging. Please watch the video to find out the answer. And please let me know if you have any questions. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are "off the top of my head." Transcripts are not available. Update: A wonderful subscriber to GFWD who happens to do...

Video: Can Foods Labeled Gluten-Free Include a Contains Statement for Wheat?

One of the more frequently asked questions we get at Gluten Free Watchdog is whether foods labeled gluten-free are allowed to also include a Contains statement for wheat. Please watch the video to find out the answer. And please let me know if you have questions. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are "off the top of my head." No transcripts are available. Update: A wonderful subscriber to GFWD who happens to...

Video: Gluten-Free Bakery Items Sold in Regular Bakery

We received a question about which regulatory and consumer advocacy group to contact if a regular bakery selling gluten-free baked goods appears to have questionable practices around preventing cross-contact. For the article on restaurants and gluten-free labeling claims mentioned in the video, please click HERE. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are "off the top of my head." Transcripts are not available. Update: A wonderful subscriber to GFWD who happens to do...

Video: Converting ppm of Gluten to mg of Gluten

We received two questions about ppm of gluten and what this means in terms of a mg amount of gluten. The process sounds complicated but it really isn't too bad once you understand that we are dealing with proportions. If any information in this video requires clarification please post a comment. Note: I have been asked to provide a transcript for all of the videos. These videos are "off the top of my head." Transcripts are not available.      

Gluten Free Watchdog Video Q&A

We are planning to add a new feature to Gluten Free Watchdog--Video chats answering your questions about labeling, food testing, etc. Please watch the short video for more information. Questions should be submitted to me via the contact form, directly at, or in the comments section. Thank you!