General Mills removing gluten-free claim from Cheerios in Canada: Implications for US market?

General Mills removing gluten-free claim from Cheerios in Canada: Implications for US market?

As many of you have heard General Mills is removing the gluten-free claim from Cheerios sold in Canada. Gluten Free Watchdog reached out to General Mills to learn more about this decision and how it might impact Cheerios sold in the US. In particular, we asked about testing protocols and any changes to these protocols. These questions are motivated by our knowledge that an AOAC working group on gluten in oats was established because “Standards and methods are needed for gluten measurement specific to oats and oat products.” This project is supported by General Mills. Participating members “agreed that quantitative methods based on ELISA technology are needed for measurement of gluten in groats (after hulling); rolled oats; oat flour; extruded, cooked, finished product; and oat bran.”

Unfortunately, direct answers to my questions on testing were not provided.

This is the response from General Mills provided to us for posting on Gluten Free Watchdog:

“Hi Tricia,

Lucky Charms in Canada were not labelled gluten free.

The label will remain on gluten-free Cheerios products in the United States.  We ensure we follow the regulations of every country where we do business. We are confident that every serving and box of our Gluten-Free Cheerios products fully comply with the standard, containing less than 20 ppm gluten which is the standard in the United States.

We have not changed the product or the way we test. We have simply stopped promoting gluten-free on Cheerios boxes in Canada. We test finished product on every date of production at each one of our production facilities that make gluten-free Cheerios.  We also are continuing to test and assure that our oat supply – and our oat flour – are continuing to meet the FDA gluten-free standard of 20 PPM.”

The statement from General Mills on Cheerios sold in Canada is available at

Information about the AOAC working group on oats is available at



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Comments (7)

  • Susan Reply

    I have a gluten reaction everytime I eat Cherrios purchased in the US.

    October 25, 2017 at 11:43 pm
  • Bonnie Reply

    The following CFIA quote was found on CBC News dated 10/25/17. (They) “use testing techniques for gluten that are internationally accepted and approved. We are working with GM [General Mills] to better understand their concerns regarding the interpretation of our test results.” This seems to imply that CFIA’s test results of GF Cheerios Canada were > 20ppm. Though CFIA confirms that Cheerios’ is voluntarily removing the gluten-free label from boxes sold in Canada, there must be enough “push-back” from Health Canada, CFIA, CCA and perhaps the consumers (not purchasing the GF Cheerios) in order for Cheerios Canada to take this action. We can hope that the FDA sits up, takes notice, and takes more action to protest U.S. consumers.

    October 26, 2017 at 7:01 pm
  • Sherri Reply

    I always loved Cheerios so when I saw they were GF I immediately bought a box. I ate them for 3 days and had stomach problem each day. I called a friend who also is Celiac and asked if she had tried the GF Cheerios. She said she had but they bothered her stomach too. So disappointed.

    November 9, 2017 at 11:48 pm
  • Patrick Pedneault Reply

    Lucky Charms were labelled gluten free in Canada! That is why I started buying them – this email is a lie!

    September 6, 2020 at 2:37 pm
    • Tricia Thompson Reply

      Patrick, are you finding Lucky Charms labeled gluten-free in Canada now?

      September 8, 2020 at 11:36 pm
  • Ryan Powell Reply

    Any response to wether or not you are finding lucky charms labeled gluten free in Canada currently?

    November 14, 2020 at 6:09 pm
  • Kerri Reply

    I’m a little late weighing in on this conveserial. But I would like to state that my daughter has Severe celiac disease.
    When she eats ” gluten free ” Cheerios , she has reactions to the Small Amounts of gluten that Cannot Be Removed from this cereal. Bacause of this, we have adopted a family policy of only buying products that are labeled gluten free in other countries, such as Canada.

    October 2, 2024 at 10:51 pm

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