Gluten Cross Contact in a Shared Fryer: Poster Presented at AOAC International Meeting

View full size poster at HERE.
Abstract: Celiac disease patients are dissuaded from eating fried foods cooked in shared fryers at restaurants based on presumed gluten exposure versus evidence-based research that gluten cross contact occurs. Twenty orders of fries cooked in shared fryers with wheat were purchased from 10 different restaurants. Fries and oil were free of gluten-containing ingredients. Fries were sent to Bia Diagnostics and tested in 1-gram duplicates using the Ridascreen Gliadin R7001 sandwich R5 ELISA and the Ridascreen Gliadin R7021 competitive R5 ELISA (80 extractions total). A microwave control was also run. A 60-ppm gluten mixture of wheat flour and canola oil was tested for gluten before and after heating in a microwave to 190°C using the sandwich and competitive R5 ELISAs. The sandwich R5 ELISA found gluten in 9/20 fry orders ranging from 7 to >84 ppm. The competitive R5 ELISA found gluten in 3/20 fry orders ranging from 14 to > 283 ppm. In the microwave control, the unheated oil and wheat flour mixture tested at a mean level of 64 ppm gluten using the sandwich R5 ELISA and 137 ppm gluten using the competitive R5 ELISA. The oil and wheat flour mixture heated to 190°C tested at a mean level of 55 ppm gluten using the sandwich R5 ELISA and <10 ppm and 16 ppm gluten using the competitive R5 ELISA. Gluten cross contact may occur when gluten-free foods are cooked in shared fryers with wheat. ELISAs may underperform when analyzing for gluten that has been heated.
For more information, including links to a consumer flyer and ppt presentation with audio, see the post “You Don’t Want Fries With That” available at
Comments (2)
Wow so all those times when some random internet troll has said that you can cook the gluten out of food… they were creating a dangerous rumor because competitive -ELISA may “underperform” on heated gluten? Scary. Thank you for helping dispel myths around gluten. This is great information.
Eating Gluten Free can be trying. We travel a lot and have to eat out. I was asked “to try the food”. My husband was livid.
Good comment!