Open letter to General Mills’ Gluten-Free Cheerios Team on Behalf of the Gluten Free Watchdog Community
Dear General Mills' Cheerios Team, Your recent recall of 13 lots of Honey Nut and 4 lots of Yellow Box Cheerios and subsequent explanation of how these products made it to market has raised many questions. One of the biggest concerns is the apparent discrepancy between what you told the community about your testing protocols and what you were actually doing. It is important that you provide a thorough and honest explanation. What you were actually doing You stated to me in an...
Green Tea & Possible Gluten Contamination
Many of you may have heard about an FDA study published in June entitled, “Survey of Tea for the Presence of Gluten.” Scientists at the Food and Drug Administration conducted this study. What follows is a brief summary of the situation. Background: A health care professional recently sent out a mass email with a link to the aforementioned study abstract on PubMed. The email suggested (in my opinion) that gluten contamination found in the study was coming from the tea bags...
Brief public summary of Gluten Free Watchdog’s Special Report on Cream Cheese & Nima Sensor Test Results
Please also see the full published article: Tricia Thompson, Adrian Rogers, Johnna Perry. Consumer-Led Investigation into Potential Issues That Arise When Testing Dairy Matrixes for Gluten With the NIMA Sensor. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 2023; qsad092 https://doi.org/10.1093/jaoacint/qsad092 .......... Authors of the special report: Tricia Thompson, MS, RD, Founder, Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC; Adrian Rogers, Development Manager, BioCheck, UK; Johnna Perry, Gluten Free Watchdog Consumer Subscriber Gluten Free Watchdog recently tested weighed samples of cream cheese, cream cheese spread, yogurt, and soft cheese for gluten using a Nima...
Gluten Free Watchdog Continues Testing Rice-Based Foods for Arsenic
The latest batch of arsenic test results posted a couple weeks ago for subscribers to Gluten Free Watchdog. You can view which products were tested here https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/product/arsenicflours-combined-data-as-2022/1168 and here https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/product/arsenictoddler-foods-combined-data-as-2022/1169. This is the third batch of rice-based products commissioned for tested by Gluten Free Watchdog in 2022 (results have also posted for breakfast cereals and rice grain). Products are tested by a lab at Dartmouth College. The next round of testing will focus on rice-based pasta. If you are interested...
FDA is acting on complaints filed by Gluten Free Watchdog
This spring we filed 6 Freedom of Information Act requests with FDA representing 11 products containing malt-based ingredients.* All products had been reported to FDA for facial misbranding by Gluten Free Watchdog. What follows is a summary of the information included in the materials obtained from FDA. A huge thank you to Adam, one of GFWD’s pro-bono attorneys for filing these requests. *We also filed FOIA requests for three additional products containing wheat. As of July 26, 2022, we have not...
Grainful Purity Protocol Gluten-Free Lentils
Disclaimer: Gluten Free Watchdog provided feedback and encouragement to Grainful on their journey to bring purity protocol lentils to market. We are excited to see their efforts finally come to fruition. Gluten Free Watchdog does not formally endorse products. We recently purchased two, three-pound bags of Grainful Purity Protocol Whole Red Lentils from Amazon. We sorted one bag looking for errant grain and sent the other bag to Bia Diagnostics for testing. We did not find any foreign material and the lentils did not...
Gluten Free Watchdog’s Gratitude List for Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2021
In celebration of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, we will be adding to this gratitude list daily. May 1, 2021 First up… Feeding Gluten-Free, a National Celiac Association initiative. There is no greater work than helping to provide gluten-free food to those in our community experiencing food insecurity. Please help if you can. Thank you. https://nationalceliac.org/giving-gluten-free/ May 2 Next up… Gluten-free small businesses. They need community support more than ever. If at all possible, find one to frequent. Third Coast Bakery is...
Gluten Free Watchdog’s updated position statement on Cheerios
This position statement may not be reposted without the express written permission of Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC. ***Note: What follows is the opinion of Gluten Free Watchdog. Whether or not you choose to eat Cheerios is your personal decision and you do not owe anyone an explanation. Please make decisions based on the totality of information available to you, including the position of Gluten Free Watchdog, the statement at the end of this post from General Mills, and Gluten Free Watchdog’s...