Thank You to the Gluten Free Watchdog Community from Tricia Thompson
In Honor of Celiac Disease Awareness Month, Gluten Free Watchdog is writing a series of articles (the goal is one per day during the month of May) related to the gluten-free diet–currently the ONLY treatment for celiac disease.
Post (#31)…
As Celiac Disease Awareness Month comes to a close I would like to thank all of you who make Gluten Free Watchdog possible.
Gluten Free Watchdog launched a little over six years ago. This would not have happened without the support of my husband, Dave. His only request was that I not lose money running this service. He had no expectations that I would make any money (this is a running joke in my family).
Gluten Free Watchdog also would not have gotten off the ground without the testing expertise of Bia Diagnostics and their willingness to test product for a consumer group.
That Gluten Free Watchdog has survived for six years is thanks to you—the subscribers, and most especially the early adopters of this service. This service is 100% subscriber driven. It continues to exist because of you.
I consider it my responsibility to provide you with good data that you can use to help inform your decision making process. We do not take advertisements or sponsorship money from manufacturers. For this reason, the information you find on this site is strictly science based. It is not influenced by any outside group.
It is also my responsibility to put data into context and to offer my recommendations based on the science. You may not always agree with what I have to say and that is obviously fine. What is most important is that decisions—yours and mine–are based on facts, as we know them today.
Thank you for allowing me to do this important work.
Comments (14)
Thank you Tricia.
You are a fountain of knowledge and integrity.
Please, keep up the great work. It is a pleasure to be part of your circle.
If I can help in anyway, please advise.
Thank you so much for the kind words, Frank.
Thanks go to YOU, Tricia. You have amazing information that we can’t seem to find anywhere else and it is up to date in accuracy.
Your knowledge and references are so appreciated by all of us who are on this journey.
Thank you for your effort and dedication.
Thanks to your husband too for allowing you to work to benefit all of us!
You are most welcome, Lindy. It has been an honor and a pleasure learning about your story. Hugs.
Amen! I so agree with the previous comments. Tricia, you are a dream. What a wonderful asset you are to the gluten free community. Thank you for all you do. Your knowledge and advocacy are invaluable. My thanks to your husband as well.
You are so sweet, Ann. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Thank you, Tricia!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I sing your praises to each patient that I see and highly recommend they subscribe to your site. Appreciate that you are always providing us with unbiased, scientific, evidence based information! As someone with Celiac disease and a Registered Dietitian working with Celiac patients, I cannot thank you enough.
Huge hug flying your way,Lori!!
Thank you for all you in keeping us informed.
You are most welcome, Anna!
Thank you Tricia. Your dedication to all of us with Celiac disease is truly appreciated. I look forward to your emails because they have helped me live a better life. Please tell your husband he is also appreciated.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Ellyn. It is so good to know that you find the information helpful.
Tricia –
A BIG THANK YOU (your husband too) for providing the celiac community valuable information from science based testing to maintain a gluten free diet and life-style. As my late grandmother use to say “you deserve a gold star.” She would only praise us if we really deserved it.
Thanks again.
Truly my pleasure, Jean. Thanks so much for the kind words (and the gold star!).