Urgent Product Warning for Jane Bakes Cookies
Published January 7, 2018
At least two varieties of the brand Jane Bakes cookies are labeled gluten-free yet list whole wheat flour as the first ingredient—Hazelnut & Chocolate and Coconut & Caramel. If you currently have any variety of labeled gluten-free cookies from this manufacturer in your pantry, please read the ingredients list carefully before eating.
A consumer first notified Gluten Free Watchdog about this product on December 26th. The cookies were a gift to the consumer. The person purchasing the cookies relied on the gluten-free label. GFWD was in touch with the manufacturer on December 27th. At this time, the manufacturer stated in email correspondence that they would alert their distributor to remove product from store shelves and that they would contact the FDA. According to the manufacturer the incorrect gluten-free labeling was due to “printer” error.
The consumer contacted GFWD again on December 31st to alert us to a second variety of cookie labeled gluten-free yet listing whole wheat flour as the first ingredient. The consumer also stated that both varieties of cookies remained on store shelves.
GFWD sent a follow-up email to the manufacturer on December 31st. We have not heard back.
The consumer contacted GFWD again on January 6th stating that a new delivery of cookies arrived at a local store. Coconut & Caramel cookies labeled gluten-free yet listing whole wheat flour as the first ingredient remain on store shelves. The consumer has advised the store manager that the incorrectly labeled cookies should be removed.
Thank you to the consumer who continues to update us.
It is inexcusable that labeled gluten-free cookies listing wheat flour in the ingredients remain on store shelves. If you are reading this and you have not yet commented in support of our citizen petition requesting that the FDA establish a specific protocol for increased surveillance, investigation and enforcement of potential facial misbranding violations under the gluten-free labeling rule, please do so now at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FDA-2017-P-5118
Thank you to the almost 1,200 consumers who have already commented. Thank you to the national consumer groups, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Beyond Celiac, and National Celiac Association for their support of this petition.
We would also love to have the support of the other two national celiac disease consumer groups. It isn’t too late for them to join us. On behalf of everyone with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders who require properly labeled gluten-free foods, we urge them to comment in support of this petition today.
Thank you!
Note: If you do not follow Gluten Free Watchdog on Facebook or Twitter please do so. Product warnings such as this one tend to be posted on social media so that they can be quickly shared.
Comments (2)
I looked on the website for Jane bakes and saw that the coconut &caramel cookies don’t have the gluten-free label on the front! The double chocolate and other ones that don’t have the first ingredient as wheat are the true gluten free ones that they changed now wohoo!
Just got 2 sleeves of the gluten free double chocolate gluten free for my daughter. Also got a basket of all their cookies to try. They sent them all together gluten free and regular. Yikes anyone who is gluten free would not want these cookies given they are in with the regular ones making all of them full of gluten. I emailed them but haven’t heard back. Sad