Using the Nima to test heterogeneous samples such as oats

Using the Nima to test heterogeneous samples such as oats

Please also see my initial comments on the Nima Sensor at

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  • Ann Reply

    It will be very interesting to see how the Nima tests out on different foods. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about it. The NIMA can’t do the milk extraction or the fish oil extraction and it can’t homogenize foods. I may be getting these terms wrong but I have learned through GFW that there is so much more involved in testing properly than just crushing food up, adding liquid & sticking in a test strip. I foresee many foods the NIMA will not be reliable on. I also think there will be food items that the NIMA will do great on. I think in the end, anyone using the NIMA is going to have to learn which types of foods it is reliable for and which ones it is not reliable for. That doesn’t include the steak that had a piece of gluten bread sitting touching one end. If you test the wrong end……. GOTCHA!

    October 28, 2016 at 1:01 am
    • Tricia Thompson Reply

      Thanks for commenting Ann and for thinking through the testing issues with Nima. I will be posting many more videos demonstrating the strengths and limitations of this device from my perspective.

      October 29, 2016 at 1:33 pm
  • Rick Reply

    Thank you for the video and article. You are discussing exactly what my concerns and fears are when it comes to testing curtain items and meals. I no longer dine out at restaurants that are not 100% Gluten Free, I’m done putting health and wellbeing in the hands of others that are simply not trained/aware or worse yet do not care.

    I am also stopped eating oats as well, too often I have gotten sick from so called ‘safe’ Gluten Free oat products.

    So, needless to say I will now be following your work, thank you.

    July 8, 2017 at 12:51 pm
    • Tricia Thompson Reply

      Thanks for commenting, Rick. It’s good to know you are following the posts.

      July 11, 2017 at 7:47 pm

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