What I Ate Wednesday Registered Dietitian Edition

What I Ate Wednesday Registered Dietitian Edition

What I Ate Wednesday Registered Dietitian Edition (#WIAWRD)

WIAWRD was not something I had heard of until last week when Debra Riedesel, owner of the websites cyclediet.com and sensitivedietitian.com “tagged” me to write about what I ate Wednesday. To read Debra’s post click here. Obviously, the content of this post is different from what you usually find in this space but it is always interesting to learn about what other people actually eat—right??

My food restrictions include gluten, dairy, and eggs. While variety is the spice of life, when something suits my digestive system I tend to eat it over and over (and over) again. This is particularly true of my breakfast and lunch choices.

My apologies for the very poor quality of the photos. They were taken with my iphone. A photo journalist I am not!!


While I eat breakfast everyday, it is a small meal and consists of a fruit and nut bar and cup of black tea with plain soymilk and probably one too many brown sugar cubes. While I wish my bars were homemade they are not. BUT they are made from a few very simple ingredients—literally unsweetened dried fruit and unsalted nuts.


It is hard to overstate my love of all things made with chickpeas. They are one of my favorite foods. Not only is chickpea salad on the menu every weekday for lunch but so is hummus (more chickpeas!). If I feel like some crunch, gluten-free rice crackers are added to the plate but more often than not they are not included. Water is my beverage of choice at lunch, sometimes with some added cranberry juice. I drink a specific brand of bottled of water because of my concerns about arsenic in both tap and bottled water.


Thankfully for my husband (and son when he is home) there is a bit more variety for dinner! One of our newer meals is “mushroom sloppy joes.” Both my husband and I fondly remember this meal from when we were kids. Because ground beef is not something I’ve ever cooked as an adult, the recipe I saw in a recent issue of Boston Globe Magazine substituting mushrooms for ground beef piqued my interest. This version of “sloppy joes” is delicious and works well served between gluten-free tortillas (although a knife and fork are strongly recommended). We are big fans of green vegetables—green beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli. This meal works particular well with green beans lightly sautéed in olive oil. As with lunch, my beverage of choice is water.


I don’t shop specifically for snacks so what I eat tends to consist of whatever is available in the house— raw nuts, bananas, gluten-free oat biscuits, and sometimes a scoop of cashew butter and a scoop of strawberry preserves eaten alone with a spoon! Wednesday I had two snacks—the biscuits and the cashew butter and preserves. I will spare you the pictures!

The WIAW Dietitian Tag! #WIAWRD

This blog post is a part of a ‘dietitian tag’ to see what other registered dietitians from around the world really eat!

To carry on this tag all you need to do is:

1) Copy and paste this section (marked within the ******) to the bottom of your WIAW blog post.

2) Tweet/Facebook the link using the hashtag #WIAWRD (What I Ate Wednesday Registered Dietitian).

3) Add your blog post link into the section below.

4) ‘Tag’ 2-3 other dietitians to carry on the tag via email! – I tag

1) Amy Macklin, Gluten Free Roots

2) Kate Scarlata, http://blog.katescarlata.com/

Previous WIAW Blog Posts (add yours here along with where you’re from!):

Nic’s Nutrition – Weekend Edition (West Yorkshire, UK)

Gemma Critchley, Dietitian Without Borders (Liverpool, UK)

Nic’s Nutrition – Week Day Edition (West Yorkshire, UK)

Helen West, Food & Nonsense (Uluwatu, Bali)

Diana Chard, Bite My Words (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Mark McGill, Glipho (Ottawa, Canada)

Debra Riedesel, CycleDiet.com, Sensitive Dietitian’s Kitchen.com (Iowa,Florida, New Jersey, USA)

Tricia Thompson, Gluten Free Watchdog and Gluten-Free Dietitian (Massachusetts)



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