Caputo Fioreglut Gluten-Free Flour Pizza & Bread
The following report on Caputo Fioreglut Gluten-Free Flour Pizza & Bread will inform you of the amount of gluten found in this product during testing.
General Product Information
Manufacturer: Caputo Flour
Ingredients: Gluten-free wheat starch, Dextrose, Maize starch, Buckwheat flour, Rice starch, Psyllium seed fibre, Thickener, Guar, Flavoring
May contain nuts (almonds) and mustard.
Note: This product is not properly labeled for US retail sale. It was ordered from Amazon.
The manufacturer provides online product information.
Gluten-free information on product packaging: There are multiple gluten-free claims along with the statement, “Specially formulated for people intolerant to gluten.”
The manufacturer provides online gluten-free information.
Ingredient and labeling information provided as a convenience only. Do not rely on this information for your dietary needs. Always read product labels before purchasing for the most accurate and up-to-date information.