Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage (retest 4)

Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage (retest 4)

The following report on Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage (retest 4) will inform you of the amount of gluten found in this product during testing.

General Product Information

Manufacturer: Dandy Blend

Important note: Gluten Free Watchdog has been testing Dandy Blend since 2014. Dandy Blend was first reported to FDA in 2014. After 6.5 years this product remains on store shelves. Please view the reports for both retest 3 and retest 4 (results differ).

Ingredients: Extracts of roasted barley, Rye, Chicory root, Dandelion root

The manufacturer provides online product information.

Gluten-free information on product packaging: A gluten-free claim is included on front packaging. The back of the package reads, “Gluten from barley and rye, which is insoluble in water, is eliminated in the water extracting process."

The manufacturer provides online gluten-free information

Note: Labeled organic. Website reads, “Organic Dandy Blend tastes the same and is still Gluten Free, Kosher and it is certified Organic.”

Ingredient and labeling information provided as a convenience only. Do not rely on this information for your dietary needs. Always read product labels before purchasing for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Complete Test Results

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