Hodgson Mill Gluten Free Multi Purpose Baking Mix
The following report on Hodgson Mill Gluten Free Multi Purpose Baking Mix will inform you of the amount of gluten found in this product during testing.
General Product Information
Manufacturer: Hodgson Mill
Ingredients: Whole grain millet flour, Whole grain sorghum flour, Whole grain brown rice flour, Xanthan gum
The manufacturer provides online product information.
Gluten-free information on product packaging: Gluten Free is prominently written on front packaging within the statement, "Made with naturally gluten free ingredients." The following statement is included under the ingredients list, "All ingredients are by nature free of gluten."
The manufacturer provides some online gluten-free information. (Link update Jan 29, 2015. Information provided by the manufacturer may have changed since the original product test date).
Ingredient and labeling information provided as a convenience only. Do not rely on this information for your dietary needs. Always read product labels before purchasing for the most accurate and up-to-date information.