Westerly Market GF Apple Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Westerly Market GF Apple Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

The following report on Westerly Market GF Apple Oatmeal Raisin Cookie will inform you of the amount of gluten found in this product during testing.

General Product Information

Manufacturer: Sensible Edibles Bakery

Important: Despite the listing of spelt in the ingredients list, spelt is not an actual ingredient in this particular cookie. 

Gluten Free Watchdog subscribers, please login to view summary information and test results.

Ingredients listed on the product tested: Certified GF oats, Org evaporated cane sugar, Org whole spelt flour, Almond milk, Canola oil, Tofu, Apple sauce, Org brown rice syrup, Golden raisins, Dried cranberries, Pumpkin seeds, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Baking soda

Complete Test Results

Test results for this product are only available to subscribers. or subscribe to the premium plan to read this historical report!